Verizon Innovative Learning
Parental Controls for iPads
Mansfeld parents and guardians can now monitor and limit their student's iPad usage outside of school hours! You have access to a great app called ScreenGuide Parental Control that allows you to set parental controls and configure rules for the safe, fun, and educational use of tablets and smartphones – while minimizing potential risks such as cyberbullying, inappropriate content consumption, and overexposure to screens.
To set up and start managing your child’s school device, just follow these step-by-step directions (click here for Spanish). You can also watch videos explaining many of the features on this YouTube playlist. Most videos are under one minute long and very informative! At this time ScreenGuide monitoring is only supported on Apple devices (iPhones or iPads)
1:1 iPad Initiative
The Verizon Innovative Learning Schools program is designed to address barriers in digital inclusion, bridge the digital divide, and inspire students through technology. As a Verizon Innovative Learning School (VILS for short), teachers and students receive access to iPads and specially designed curriculum and instruction using the technology.
Students first received the VILS iPads during the 2019-2020 school year and have continued using 1:1 iPads on campus and off in the following school years. Mansfeld is now a VILS Alumni school, and we continue to have use of the iPads, however we no longer have access to the data plan. Devices can be used off-campus anywhere that wi-fi is available! For more information on the VILS program, please visit the Verizon 1:1 iPad Initiative Webpage.
All parents and guardians must complete the required registration paperwork prior to their student receiving an iPad. A QR code for the paperwork was available at registration, was sent out in a ParentLink and is available here: Mansfeld Registration Form. Our on-site technology liaison will be able to get your student an iPad within a week of that paperwork being turned in.
iPads are being used for instruction daily so please be sure to communicate with your student the importance of bringing their iPad to school with them every day fully charged!
iPad FAQ
Mansfeld put together a frequently asked questions page to help students, parents, and teachers with iPad issues. Please visit this webpage to access the FAQ.
iPad Help Ticket
Students can submit an iPad Help Ticket and their questions will go directly to our on-site technology liaison. Click here to open an iPad Help Ticket.
Mansfeld parents and guardians can now monitor and limit their student's iPad usage outside of school hours! You have access to a great app called ScreenGuide Parental Control that allows you to set parental controls and configure rules for the safe, fun, and educational use of tablets and smartphones – while minimizing potential risks such as cyberbullying, inappropriate content consumption, and overexposure to screens.
To set up and start managing your child’s school device, just follow these step-by-step directions (click here for Spanish). You can also watch videos explaining many of the features on this YouTube playlist. Most videos are under one minute long and very informative! At this time ScreenGuide monitoring is only supported on Apple devices (iPhones or iPads)
1:1 iPad Initiative
The Verizon Innovative Learning Schools program is designed to address barriers in digital inclusion, bridge the digital divide, and inspire students through technology. As a Verizon Innovative Learning School (VILS for short), teachers and students receive access to iPads and specially designed curriculum and instruction using the technology.
Students first received the VILS iPads during the 2019-2020 school year and have continued using 1:1 iPads on campus and off in the following school years. Mansfeld is now a VILS Alumni school, and we continue to have use of the iPads, however we no longer have access to the data plan. Devices can be used off-campus anywhere that wi-fi is available! For more information on the VILS program, please visit the Verizon 1:1 iPad Initiative Webpage.
All parents and guardians must complete the required registration paperwork prior to their student receiving an iPad. A QR code for the paperwork was available at registration, was sent out in a ParentLink and is available here: Mansfeld Registration Form. Our on-site technology liaison will be able to get your student an iPad within a week of that paperwork being turned in.
iPads are being used for instruction daily so please be sure to communicate with your student the importance of bringing their iPad to school with them every day fully charged!
iPad FAQ
Mansfeld put together a frequently asked questions page to help students, parents, and teachers with iPad issues. Please visit this webpage to access the FAQ.
iPad Help Ticket
Students can submit an iPad Help Ticket and their questions will go directly to our on-site technology liaison. Click here to open an iPad Help Ticket.
Verizon Innovative Learning Staff
Kirsta Mosconi
Verizon Innovative Learning School Coach
Contact Ms. Mosconi by email
Bonnie Morlock
Instructional Technology Liaison
Contact Ms. Morlock by email
Required iPad Paperwork
All students must have the paperwork on file with the school VILS (Verizon Innovative Learning Schools) coach prior to receiving their iPad. All parents and guardians will need to complete the form below in order for their student to check out an iPad this school year.
Forms are available entirely online. Please click here to complete the online form and submit prior to picking up your student's device.
All students must have the paperwork on file with the school VILS (Verizon Innovative Learning Schools) coach prior to receiving their iPad. All parents and guardians will need to complete the form below in order for their student to check out an iPad this school year.
Forms are available entirely online. Please click here to complete the online form and submit prior to picking up your student's device.
Upcoming Verizon Activities