Magnet Program
Interested in Touring Mansfeld?
Please schedule a tour here.
Become a STEM Partner!
We are honored to partner with many STEM organizations throughout the Tucson community, and we're always looking for new partners to help us expand our students' experiences and exposure to the field of STEM. Please contact Bryce Fiero, our Magnet Coordinator if you are interested in joining Mansfeld to support our students.
View our STEM Practices
Mansfeld's teachers embed these STEM practices in every daily lesson across all classes and content areas to build innovative, collaborative problem-solving skills.
Please schedule a tour here.
Become a STEM Partner!
We are honored to partner with many STEM organizations throughout the Tucson community, and we're always looking for new partners to help us expand our students' experiences and exposure to the field of STEM. Please contact Bryce Fiero, our Magnet Coordinator if you are interested in joining Mansfeld to support our students.
View our STEM Practices
Mansfeld's teachers embed these STEM practices in every daily lesson across all classes and content areas to build innovative, collaborative problem-solving skills.
Mansfeld's STEM+ Magnet Program
Mansfeld is a nationally recognized science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) magnet school with plus practices (+) including art, PE, music and sports. It is located across from the University of Arizona and has a rich tradition of academic excellence. Students take STEM+ classes as part of their core subjects, and teachers in all content areas embed STEM+ practices into their curriculum preparing students to think critically and collaboratively as they solve problems. Additionally, each quarter students focus on an essential question that is addressed from a variety of perspectives through integrated STEM+ units across campus.
The integration of STEM+ across all content areas and the focus on STEM+ practices throughout the curriculum has increased collaboration among teachers so that students can make connections between what they learn from one class and the next and can apply their knowledge beyond school. Mansfeld also has a strong before- and after-school program to improve and enrich student learning, as well as exceptional music and arts programs and one-to-one iPad/data technology.
To learn more about Mansfeld’s STEM+ Magnet Program, please contact Mr. Fiero, our Magnet Coordinator by email.
The integration of STEM+ across all content areas and the focus on STEM+ practices throughout the curriculum has increased collaboration among teachers so that students can make connections between what they learn from one class and the next and can apply their knowledge beyond school. Mansfeld also has a strong before- and after-school program to improve and enrich student learning, as well as exceptional music and arts programs and one-to-one iPad/data technology.
To learn more about Mansfeld’s STEM+ Magnet Program, please contact Mr. Fiero, our Magnet Coordinator by email.